
"Bismillah, Tawakkaltu ala Allah ...

As we step out the door, these habitual words reverberate through our souls. And so we begin, facing every journey in life, every transition, every challenge, every decision. 

But what is tawakkul exactly?

Tawakkul is to place our trust in Allah to take care of all of the affairs in our life. It is both the reliance upon Allah as well as the trust in Allah.



Allah reminds us to rely on Him, for "Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon him." [Al-Imran:159]

Tawakkul is often declared as "tying your camel," referring to the hadith that mentions the story of a Bedouin man who was leaving his camel without tying it. The Prophet (s) asked him, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet (s) then replied, "Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi)

So what is the balance between tawakkul and not taking action because, after all, Allah is in control?  True tawakkul means to work hard using every ounce of our ability with each of our limbs while knowing firmly in our hearts that any true action or result is only from Allah. When our limbs actively work towards a goal but our hearts rely solely upon Allah, we have achieved the understanding of tawakkul.



Allah also reminds us to trust in Him, "And whoever fears Allah, He will make him a way out, and will provide for him from where he doesn't expect. And whoever places his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose. And verily, Allah has appointed for all things a due proportion." [Al-Talaq:2-3]. 

From this verse, we learn that Allah won't just open closed doors, but He will create doors to open that never before existed. So let's put our trust in Allah to take care of things we sometimes cannot understand.

Although we plan based on our own wishes, Allah plans what's best for us based on His infinite wisdom, whether we see it or not. Tawakkul means we accept Allah's plan, trust Him more than even ourselves, and remember that His plan is always what's best for us.

 So as we walk out the door saying these routine words, feel the depth of their meaning pierce your heart, guide your soul, and protect you as you venture out into a world in which you need to rely upon His protection and trust in His wisdom, now more than ever.

Nadia YusufComment